Saturday, 25 May 2019

The Future: October 31.

OK so here it is. October 31st 2019. Boris Johnson is prime minister and he takes Britain out of Europe without a deal. You read it here first. It will take something like a miracle to stop this happening. Boris' lack of everything except confidence is actually enough to get him through to party leadership. I've listened to reasonably intelligent sounding students who were members of the Tory party as they spoke of their possible support for him. It doesn't seem to matter how palpably inept you are, the voting public are capable of infinitely deeper gullibility, blindness, and stupid choices. And that's a shame as some of the candidates for leadership do look promising. But they lack the public recognition that would get them through and past the big names. However it still is a poisoned chalice.

The Guardian carried a headline "Broken by Brexit" with regard to Theresa May's resignation. But she won't be the only one. Nothing will have changed in terms of the parliamentary attitudes or numbers. A new leader will have the same obstacles and objections to deal with. That's why we'll reach October 31st in the same deadlock we are in now, and Boris will, if he can, simply walk away with huge issues of how we now manage our relationship with Europe unresolved. Businesses will go broke, there will be far reaching hardship, and those nutters with loud voices who believed him and love him will hail him as their hero anyway. Brexit may not break Boris. He'll just break everything else.