What could we learn from 2020?
1.To act faster in the face of a pandemic. Not yet learned if you study the Govt reactions to new turns in the story.
2. To bear down harder on Israel with Barriers to Trade, Sanctions and Disinvseting. No. Too many vested interests in keeping Israel "strong" and onside.
3. Vaccines are not the way out of this Pandemic. No we haven't got that yet. The news media are so full of telling us that they are the way out that the majority will get high on it. The Corona virus is with us to stay, like the 'flu, only if you get Corona bad, you die. 'Flu tends to have a higher mortality rate only in the already very ill and or very old. Maybe total population vaccinations on an annual basis will keep more of us safe and we will be able to view it in the same way as we view the 'flu - out there but unlikely I'll get it. Maybe.
4. To plan much more meticulously for major economic events like Brexit. Ha ha. Dream on.
5. We need to be much more vigilant about the rise of right wing nationalistic movements and start to address the deep problems of poverty, unemployment and a sense of injustice that gives them their energy. If only.
6 The climate crisis can be contained with much more energetic and united global action. With the best will in the world we know this, but we can't seem to make it happen.
7. Interfere with another country's domestic situation with violence and you open a can of worms. I doubt whether we will ever learn this, as long as we have our own selfish agendas to pursue and interests to defend. Agenda laden interference is a dead end.