Wednesday, 11 January 2012

World Order and stuff

In the search for the "God" particle, the Higgs boson, the net seems to be tightening, giving the scientists at Cern an ever shrinking field in which to look for results. There was an excellent program on progress so far on T.V. a few nights ago. Among the theories which the scientists are using, are theories of symmetry and super symmetry. Basically these theories predict that everything has an opposite number, so for matter, there is anti matter, and so on. Here's a summary definition of super symmmetry taken from One of the predictions of string theory is that at higher energy scales we should start to see evidence of a symmetry that gives every particle that transmits a force (a boson) a partner particle that makes up matter ( a fermion), and vice versa.This symmetry between forces and matter is called supersymmetry. This I think means that force and matter are being suggested as possible dance partners in this need for symmetry.

Anyway, many of the scientists being interviewed in the program seemed to be saying that if perfect symmetry obtains, then in the end we get absoutely nothing, zilch, for everything cancels itself out. Matter and antimatter destroy each other on contact, and so on. So, for matter to have been able to come into existence, there must have been a flaw in the physics, some kind of imperfection in the process, in order for asymmetry to kick in. This idea that the universe needs a kind of built in imperfection is mind blowing. Leonard Cohen has perceptively sung "There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in." It is of course a given in Christianity. The brokenness of humanity is the prerequisite for the Incarnation and subsequent crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Without the brokenness you don't get the salvation. It feels like the more we learn about science, the more it conforms to Christian theology. So much for those who think that science and  faith are opposed to each other. Perhaps Science is the super symmetrical partner to religious faith.

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