Wednesday 23 December 2009

Tonsilectomy Day 2

The plan is to pick Lorraine up post ward round, so I manage some porridge at home before hitting the road. The weather has been quite white so I wonder if the road will be ok. It is but the hospital car park is a bit chaotic with overnight staff having difficulty getting their cars out of the spaces. Inside, L is nearly ready to go. The docs haven't seen her but the nurse says she can go as she has all her medicines. She looks better than I expected. We drive home carefully and arrive about noon. I bought some special soup (Marco Pierre White) which we enjoy for lunch (as much as someone who has just had their tonsils out can enjoy anything. I take L's mum out along the snowy road after lunch so L can get some down time, and we slither our way to the shops and back. In the evening we have scallops for starters (done in wine) followed by bangers and mash. L struggles manfully with my treats. Her throat looks angry and raw. It will be a long night for her I think.

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